Apple, on Tuesday, released iOS 8.1.2 to the public, which includes bug fixes and other improvements. The release comes three weeks after Apple pushed iOS 8.1.1 that patched the Pangu jailbreak. Developers weren’t given any betas of iOS 8.1.2 prior to the release, which is due to the fact that this update mainly fixes a bug with ringtones going missing.
In iOS 8.1.1, some users reported an issue wherein the ringtones they downloaded from the iTunes Store would disappear from their device. iOS 8.1.2, carrying build number 12B440, fixes that bug.
You can download and update to iOS 8.1.2 from Settings>About>Software Update on your iOS device. Or you could download the IPSW
and restore from iTunes. This is a minor update, so don’t expect any new features. It is supported on iPhone 4s and above, iPad 2 and above and iPod Touch 5.
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